woO..dun you just love wedding dinner?attended a wedding dinner at yOrk hotel.(far east there).fun fun fun!!!thou its not as good as some prestigous hotel its still as excitful.
our day started as per normal.all the hustle-bustle.
took a cab down to da ba yao to settle some minor stuff.
went to town a while later and walk from orchard station to far east plaza.
hubby show me all his favourite hang out spot when he was a 'ah beng' so patiently he explain all sorts of landmarks that were demolish.
i love listening to him yak on and on and on..so on and on and on we tok,on and on we walk walk and walk too.
for a moment the whole world revolve around on boy one ger.
so hardcore .
we just walk and walk (guess wat!!)but in the wrong direction!!
but i dun care.
juz love walking together, hand in hand with him. -grinZ- .
in the end we still decide to take a cab down instead.
finally reached the hotel..after so many wrong turns and stuff we were still the earliest there.
hEre is plumpish looking mE. =)
yOrk hOtel ballrOom
here are more crankiE stuffs i took:
wEdding favOur;
vinEgar, pEpper & toOthpicks
nUts tO munch, wEdding favOur, grEen cUt, rEd chilli pastE
everything was finE except for one.
he didnt offer mi secOnd helping of sharks' fins but offered it to his frEn's gEr.
gOsh :x i'm pissed
where is hub!
said he went for interview and will be back soon.
but he's no where in sight!!
speak of the devil.
haha.He's peeking at my entry.
brought back a bad badz maru.
Mr ah ko a.ka. Zhi Wei.
gotta go.
eats some dinnEr.
hOo.wat a windy day + horrible day.
skirt flipping up every second.
rush everywhere.
rush to meet jane.
rush to hand in my giro form.
then rush to meet jane again at Taka, for she was to attend some..model interview stuff.
can't remember.
all i can remember is the long wait for her.
the desperation to reach her but couldn't.
the thunderous rumbling from my stomach.
and everyone's stare.
Baney, where you ?
real hectic.
xavier bun was rather sick these few day.
coz of the after effect from the injection.
but today he's completely healed!!
thanks to his mama's that's mE, TLC. =)
xavier bun, adeline, my bro and mE, all four piece.
went to meet mama eats dinner.
MAGIC WOK!! missed it.
a phone call from jane suggesting we watch a movie.
haha.in the end we ended up watching 2 movies.
'Hitch' was free and we had to pay $$$ for 'Closer'.
all i can think of was that the free movie was nicer.
::x nOw on thE banE with phOne x::
on the phonE with janE.
chAtting abt chEryl ng and hEr two adOrable sisters.
Debbie and Faith who are idEntical tWins.
xAviEr bUn is sick.gOt somE fEveR.9 days aftEr thE MMR injEction.pOOr littlE cUtsy bUn.
cAncEr dOesnt cAuse smOking. -quotE by bAne's lecturEr-
i'm pAinting my tOes black agAin!!
think thEre's sOmething wrOng with my hEart.
thEre's a undEscribeablE fEeling.
think thEre's A tWig in it.
i cAnt brEathE.
::x sOmeonE plEase savE mE x::
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.
Now i need a place to hide away.
Oh, i believe in yesterday.
yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, i believe in yesterday.
Suddenly, i'm not half the man i used to be,
There's a shadow hanging over me.
Oh, yesterday came suddenly.
8th Feb'85.
[[`*My Addicts ]]
peel fresh mango juice.
marigold HL milk.
peppermint flavour icEcream.
guiling gao.
jUnk food.
playing tycoOn gamEs.
bubble tEa.
milk tEa.
E starry nitE sky.
my jigglypuffs.
[[`*iCky stuffs ]]
mOping up urine.
bad hair days.
scarE of hantU too.
[[`*Music's Playing ]]
Artist: Final Fantasy Theme
Song: Eyes On Me
[[`*My nOtty Thoughts ]]
|February 2005|March 2005|May 2005|September 2005|October 2005|November 2005|December 2005|January 2006|March 2006|May 2006
[[`*The Lil ChattErs ]]
[[`*My dArlinks ]]
janE banE::
Helicopter gamE::
officE gamE::