Saturday, October 29, 2005

[[|| hOly cOw ||]]

:: happenings ::

wats the world coming to??

::Last Saturday::
me and my sista we were sitting in the 2 person seat in the train.
then this lady, older than middle age.
mind you she's not old.
she still got teeth, can stand, can walk, probably just going home from work,
came to stand beside us.
i wonder if she's born with a sulky face or wat.
keep on sulking from raffles place to jurong east.
i suppose she was aiming our seats.
Provided we give her a seat or She's just gonna keep on sulking.
No matter how sulky she gets,
even when my cute little xavier was yakking away to her,
and she's just expressionless.
Guess she's really just born with a sulky face.
a cute baby talks to you,
the least you can do is smile.
i'm not trying to be rude to a old middle age lady.
she's the one who's rude live till so old.
still no brains!!

:: Afternoon ::
me and char went Sakura far east to eat lunch.
wat pathetic staff they have.
no wonder they are hitting mosquitos and flies!!
first, they gave us a great reception with sully faces,
and then sulk to get us the menus.
talk about poor service and disturbing the peace of patrons!!
we are eating, and they are playing the fools.
how put off can they get?
a man pumping the girl's boobs.
taking every chance to take advantage of the girl,
and she's not even protesting.
just how low can she get.
trust me they are not even in a relationship,
just working mates.
not even a moment of peace did we get!
no consideration, no nothing!
i'm not going back.

::latE Afternoon::
almost ram my pram into her heels
and she glared at me.

going home on the crowded train this evening,
i met the two most ungentlemanly guys ever!!!
they betta not let me see then again.
think they are from some poly.
Bastards, Jerks, %^$!%)&^**!!

the story goes like this:
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i was standing at the pole.
the grey verticle line is the pole.
everywhere was people.
therefore the picture was not drawn to scale.
xavier threw his towel in front of one of the guys.
i know that guy saw it he keep on looking at it.
shifted his feet so he wont step on it.
the question is:
wats so hard with bending down and picking the towel up?
both guys saw it.
Distaste and such disgrace.
i should just embarrass them right there on the spot!
then xavier saw the drawstrings on the bag,
and he started pulling them.
i tried to pry xavier's finger away without much suscess.
he's just a puny baby.
as i was prying xavier's fingers away,
the guy was tugging at the strings.
finally when xavier's fingers loosen he faster pull it back.
he's a great disgrace to men.
throw all the whole world man's face!!
irks me.
pui, pui, pui.

Has the world become a place void of compassion?

|| always here waiting for you |2:12 AM|

Thursday, October 27, 2005

[[|| *o* ||]]


its rather boring staying in Jurong.
no entertainment.
the only entertainment here is
laptop and Vcds, which arent many.

i've watch The Incredibles a hundred thousand times.
Old granny: 'Mr. Incredible, Mr. Incredible.'
Mr. Incredible: 'What's the matter, mdm?'
Old granny: 'Its my cat. It went up the tree and it wont come down.'
Mr. Incredible: 'Alright mdm, i suggest you stand clear.'
Old granny: 'Oh, he's just a tiny thing.'

i've watch Ice Age probably only a thousand times.
(the second disc is crazy)
i've watch Rugrats Go Wild a hundred times.

my life is so boring.

|| always here waiting for you |11:11 PM|

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

[[|| A short account ||]]

hEre are somE stuff which happened
the first day i stayed at hub house till today :

Day 1, 22th oct.

with adeline's help i manage to lugged :

1. laptop.
2. my big fila bag.
3. pram.
4. Xavier.

on a cab, train and bus 11,
safe and sound back to Jurong home.
(her boyfren is just here for show.)

:: Adeline and Gerald ::
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man was i shock when
i open the door of my room and
saw my bed LOADED with clothes!
*()$%#@#%^ (curse and swear)

Day 2, 23th Oct.

hub's day off.
so we stayed home the whole day.
but went out for dinner.
hub's PDA wouldnt charge.
made hub furious.

Day 3, 24th Oct.

hub forgot to wake up for work!!
oh oh.
but i love it when he's not working.
so, we travelled the whole day.
from west to east.
from east to west.
(for detailed info. read my 25th oct post.)

Day 4, 25th Oct

hub went to work at 6am.
poor hub.
and he isnt back yet.
to day i went chinese garden.
went taman jurong.
and finally jurong point.

nothing interesting stuff today.
except for the fact that....

|| always here waiting for you |12:38 AM|

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


wat a day!

hub PDA wouldnt charge.
so we gotta travel to HP service center.
Problem : The charger spoil.
so we from alexander rd, frontech travel back to tampines.
because we need the cradle for charging the PDA using laptop.
lucky we've got a driver.
mr. giam

next destination : Pasir Panjang.
dinner at pasir panjang was okay.
the stuff they eat are not my cup of tea.
so i only had kang kong and rice.
poor me.

here's the really sad part.
His frens love to tease mE.
frens, tell me the truth!
do i look fat to you guys?
its okay
i can accept watever harsh comments.

|| always here waiting for you |12:18 AM|

Sunday, October 23, 2005

[[|| janE ||]]

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bane this is for you.
hee..found this while surfing around.
sorry, you cant change the colour.

|| always here waiting for you |12:42 PM|

Thursday, October 20, 2005

[[|| Doraemon ||]]

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Doraemon in thE land of snowmans.
He's terrified and trying to escape.


photographer : jEssamin Soh

|| always here waiting for you |7:10 PM|

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

[[::|| Forever Love ||::]]

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3 yrs 6 mths.
42 mths.

we've come a long way dearest.

i cherish every moment you're by my side,
and missing you when you're not beside me.

'You are the elusive piece of the jigsaw,
making me feel complete.'

You're the Image hosted by in my life.
and you mean the world to mE.

hand in hand we'll walk together,

down the road of Eternity. Image hosted by

|| always here waiting for you |11:43 PM|

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

[[|| *o* ||]]

janE's first day of school today.
17th oct.
or shld i say yesterday.
i forgot all abt it frankly.
sorry babE.
hope your first day is goot.

went to meet eiki today at tampines mall to return her dvds.
shan't revealed wat i did to those dvds.
its scaring how just writing a journal online.
can get you sued.

went to meet hub after that.

saw this gorgeous mango jacket at isetan!
$$$100 buckarOoz.
hur hur.
cash to spare anyone.
tsk tsk.
i shall have to set up my own charity organization like eiki did.

feeling so so healthy.
did 35 sit ups. but with interval.
a 30 sec leg lift.
it was the best i could do.

hope i'll scale greater heights tmr.


|| always here waiting for you |1:49 AM|

Monday, October 17, 2005

[[|| *o* ||]]

char pls spare mE.
dun pinch my brains.
the thought of it makes mE sick
how could you even think of it!!

i'll get his name drill into my head.
Yi Tian not Yi Liang.
one day and not some weigh unit.

if you guys are curious who is yi tian.
here he is :
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sorry Yi tian.

|| always here waiting for you |10:49 AM|

Sunday, October 16, 2005

[[|| Free HP PDA 6365 ||]]

nEw phone!!

great i can finally get rid of my lousy N8250.
but it has been a very good phone.
drop upteen times and its still functioning.
until recently, it acting wierd.
again, time is the factor.
this phone have serve my family loyally for 4-5 yrs.
cant bear for it to be put to sleep.

went eiki's place today.
missed it man.
it has been ages since i went there.
i used to stay over at her house every week.
when i was in NDP which is sec 3.
wat fun we had.
then sec 4.
when ever i play truant i would go her place.
then we sleep and then afternoon go find sandra,
jane, or char to study.
but always ended up yakking like yak-ka-dos.
i miss those times.
y am i toking abt this.

oh ya..
went her place to burn Full House Dvd.

went to met hub to sign for another max online 6500
to get the PDA.
grinning thru my teeth.

|| always here waiting for you |11:12 PM|

Saturday, October 15, 2005

[[|| ktV maniac ||]]

yo hoots!~

went ktv today with char,
christopher, the new guy in char's life.
and christopher's fren, yi liang
(i think that's his name keep forgetting.)
today just ease a little bit of my addiction.
hope there's more rolling in soon.

a wonderful day to start off with.
spent 75% of wat i had on singing.
its not very expensive, but then again i'm broke.
so when u spent 75% of watever you ha,
its like the end of the world.

today at work i only earn $13.75.
tell mi ts it pathetic or wat.
after work.
me and ade went kino.
went to buy some junk to eat while watching.
then off to watch the show.
(the movie is free. Courtesy of steven liew.)
nice chap!!
We watch 'Everlasting Regret'.
Sammi Cheng is the only actress i know.
it was still a nice show.

Something Funny on 'Everlasting Regrets'.
(the couple were in bed.)
the girl roll over on her belly
and start examining the guy's eyebrow.

She said in chinese:
'Why your eyebrow grow till like that?
not the type i like.'

the guy reply:
"What does how your eyebrow gotta do with who u like."

i think its damn hilarious.
i'm such a saddist too.

there's this part which she keep banging her head
against the wall because her lover is 'dead'.
not only she bang her head
she also scream hesterically.
think i was the only one laughing in the whole cinema.

.:: tOday speciAlity ::.

nasi bryani
you'll have to kill mi if you wan me to eat this.
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sing heartily
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The double Cs
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i like this one.
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Char & mE
mE looking wierd.
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mE looking wierd again.
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mE looking even wierder.
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Char solo
quik someone save char before she get hit by the ball of light.
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The End.

i'm so tired.

|| always here waiting for you |4:41 AM|

Friday, October 14, 2005

[[|| *o* ||]]


finally got the laptop back.
missing it.

met eiki today along tag Xavier.
we went party world to sing.
hE was a nuisancE but i lovE him anywAy.

as yOu can imaginE i was pretty hArrassed.
and eiki. shE got molEsted. by xAvier.

.:: photos ::.

[ littlE xAvier ]

he sure looks sad.
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His favorite gamE.
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[ eiki & mE ]

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[ mE ]

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mushi mushi!
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[ eiki, mE & xaviEr ]

i lOve my darlin
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horriblE eiki.
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eiki. He's only interested in your
strawberry freeze.
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The end of a wonderful day.
It really is wonderful.

Thanks babE for helping with my stUff
and with xAvier. sending mE to tampines too.
Sorry for thE troublE.
i prOmise to do all that too.
whEn u have a kid!
xiE xiE.

|| always here waiting for you |11:55 PM|

Monday, October 10, 2005

[[|| *o* ||]]

poOr mE!
hub flew aeroplane on mE.

in a fit of anger.


i appeared in banE's placE.
with yOshinoya and all.

alright i lied.
i took a bus there.

after our dinnEr.
we took lamb shapes Angel
for a good walk.
still look as cute as ever.

but timE took a toll on her.
she's not as active as when
i first set eyes on her
in sec 3.
Angel is as old as my ah ma.
(cant reveal angel's age here.
woman's age is a secret.)

took some very, very crazy picture of me.
usually when i say stuff like:
'i must be crazy.'
people will always tell me :
'since when are you normal?'
am i really that nutty?
its really something i need to ponder on.
wat makes me appear nutty to people.

.:: photos ::.

studious mE is reading a dictionary.
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looking retard with janE.
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mE looking even mOre retard.
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|| always here waiting for you |12:14 PM|

Sunday, October 09, 2005

[[|| Full House ||]]

watching Full House now.
feel like punching hui yuan's face.

'Full House', is a Korean Dramaā€¯ based on a comic series of the same name by Won Soo-yeon.

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Bi (Jung Ji Hoon, Rain) as
Lee Yeong-jae
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Song Hye Kyo (Song Hui Qiao) as
Han Ji-eun
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Kim Sung Soo as
Yoo Min-hyuk
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Han Eun Jung as
Kang Hye-won
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:: sweet memories ::

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must watch!!
think i must be bored stiff to do this kind of stuff.
its really really a nice show!!

*i'm having an obsession.*

|| always here waiting for you |4:32 AM|

Saturday, October 08, 2005

[[|| Sheraton Towers ||]]

dinner at sheraton was okay.
but i enjoyed it.
its always fun to attend weddings.

:X but we forgot to take picture with the stars of the night.
The Bride and the Groom.

how could we.
just think we are the star of the night right

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poor hub..he was so tired
after a hard day of work and sleeping
only 5hrs each day for 4 days.
not a very flattering photo of hub.
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The Food:

1) the usual cold-dish.
dun have my fav bak kua.

2) Sharks' fin soup.
taste really great. esp with cognac too.

3) stir-fried asparagus, celery..
in another word, all veggies.

4) steam garupa hongkong style.

5) prawns with crunchy crackers.
i dun take prawns.

6) sea cucumber and abalone and a pile of veggie.

7) braise e-fu noodles with shimeiji mushrooms and yellow chives.
nice too.

8) glutinous rice dumplings with black seasme in red bean paste.
i dun like hot dessert.
i wan cream mango sago top with fresh strawberries.

my family and cousins's family.
adeline was taking the photo.
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the end of a beautiful day.

|| always here waiting for you |11:54 PM|

[[`**This Girl ]]

8th Feb'85.

[[`*My Addicts ]]

peel fresh mango juice.
marigold HL milk.
peppermint flavour icEcream.
guiling gao.
jUnk food.
playing tycoOn gamEs.
bubble tEa.
milk tEa.
E starry nitE sky.
my jigglypuffs.

[[`*iCky stuffs ]]

mOping up urine.
bad hair days.

scarE of hantU too.

[[`*Music's Playing ]]

Artist: Final Fantasy Theme
Song: Eyes On Me

[[`*My nOtty Thoughts ]]

|February 2005|March 2005|May 2005|September 2005|October 2005|November 2005|December 2005|January 2006|March 2006|May 2006

[[`*The Lil ChattErs ]]

[[`*My dArlinks ]]

janE banE:: chErries:: xiaxue:: eiki:: christinE:: adelinE:: link:: link:: link:: link:: link:: hotmail:: Mr.boombastick:: Helicopter gamE:: officE gamE::

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